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hej camillai hope th 说:
2016年8月28日 17:28

hej camillai hope that you are having a swell spring. i just wanted to thank you for the mark jenkins link....what a wonderful mind. i love humour in work. have a lovely weekend.

Começa com uma meia 说:
2016年8月28日 04:48

Começa com uma meia verdade: “É verdade que a intervenção da NATO na Líbia é criminosa e motivada apenas pelo petróleo. ” Continua com o cliché justificador do costume de todas as agressões: “Do outro lado, está o sanguinário Kadaffi, que reprime os líbios há mais de 40 anos.”Acaba com a mentira paternalista complacente: “Na Líbia de hoje, à excepção do povo inocente que vai sobrevivendo como pode, não há heróis.”Um texto medíocre, pequenino, rasca.

it as well as anyone 说:
2016年8月27日 21:00

it as well as anyone could have said it. Fred Small wrote, “and the only measure of your words and your deeds will be the love you leave behind when you’re done.” It is a true statement in reference to Denis Simpson . Denis, loved well. At least he loved me well. He is done. I shall always remember him. Blessings, Louise

Добры 说:
2016年8月25日 11:36

Добрый день. Я хотел бы узнать по поводу курсов. Будут ли в ближайшее время. И как можно записаться?

Well, I think Ricky 说:
2016年8月24日 22:39

Well, I think Ricky committed the worst sin. He was boring. Also the GGs seem to have cut back on the liquor. There were no drunken acceptance speeches, which has been what made it interesting in the past. There were a few “moments” here and there, but on the whole a rather boring telecast.

Zibi, hi to be hones 说:
2016年8月21日 18:56

Zibi, hi to be honest this mincemeat didn’t last long in my household, so I am not quite sure how long it would keep for. However I don’t see any reason for it not to last as long as other mincemeat recipes, although I might use the more traditional brandy rather than Jack Daniels if I was going to keep it that long!